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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

John Defendis
Wara Villarones
Joyce Hedgepeth
Toté Papania
8 participants

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Dim 16 Avr - 12:58


these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die 1489689549-sa-mp-615-copie

Dernière édition par Otilio Villarones le Ven 17 Nov - 1:26, édité 4 fois
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Dim 16 Avr - 12:59

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die 1490125447-sa-mp-621
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die 1490559598-sa-mp-640
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die 1490559598-sa-mp-642
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die 1490559675-sa-mp-644
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Dim 16 Avr - 13:01

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die 1490646272-sa-mp-650
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-672
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-676
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-678
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-681
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-682
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Dim 16 Avr - 13:03

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-706
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-709
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Dim 16 Avr - 13:05

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-740
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-720
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-729
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-736
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Dim 16 Avr - 13:06

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-747
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-748
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-749
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-754
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Dim 16 Avr - 13:08

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-760
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-765
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-770
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Lun 17 Avr - 14:53

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-791
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-793
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-796
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-807
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-817
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-819
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Mar 18 Avr - 0:25

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-828
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-834
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Mer 19 Avr - 14:44

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-852
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-847
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Dim 23 Avr - 1:11

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-879
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-873
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Lun 24 Avr - 0:13

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-926
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-914
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-910
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-934
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-935
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-912

LS NEWS a écrit:
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-944

C'est une scène d'une grande violente qui s'est déroulé dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi. Aux alentours de 23h50, un peu avant la fermeture du magasin, un homme capuché et armé déboule dans le magasin, saute par dessus le comptoir et tabasse le gérant à coup de crosse et de pied afin de lui dérober le contenu de sa caisse avant de s'enfuire à bord d'une voiture volée à l'aide de son complice. La voiture sera retrouvée carbonisée dans la nuit. Le gérant, ayant été retrouvé inconscient et complètement en sang dans son magasin quelques heures plus tard, a été emmené à l’hôpital où il a reçu les soins adéquats. Celui-ci est désormais sain et sauf. C'est un véritable acte de violence gratuite, la barbarie des gangs de rue n'aurait-elle donc aucune limite?

Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Jeu 27 Avr - 22:44

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-973
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Lun 1 Mai - 12:55

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-002
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-997
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-010
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Mar 2 Mai - 23:11

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-047
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-057
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-059
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Mer 3 Mai - 17:51

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-054
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-053
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-062
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-065
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-067
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Dim 7 Mai - 14:44

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-076
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-082
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Dim 7 Mai - 15:37

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-085
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-089
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Lun 8 Mai - 1:54

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-132
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-128
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Lun 8 Mai - 9:54

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-121
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-136
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Lun 8 Mai - 12:42

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die 18STONTHETOPVIPER
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Mer 10 Mai - 18:43

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-138
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-150
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-144
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-146
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Dim 14 Mai - 11:53

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-159
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-162
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Dim 14 Mai - 11:57

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-171
these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-174
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

Message par Eladio Payanas Dim 14 Mai - 19:32

these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Sa-mp-195
Eladio Payanas
Eladio Payanas

Messages : 2855
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

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these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die Empty Re: these vatos wanna hide, dropping in the calles, enemigas gotta die

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