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Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Kendrick Kayne™
Marine Lepen
Malcolm Anderson
Jhonny "Marzio" Ciorba
Tyler Lanfield
Kalvin Daz
14 participants

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Invité Dim 10 Jan - 11:34

Hello, je viens enfin d'avoir 3DSMAX, et je recherche le tuto car là quand je choisis avec ELEMENTS et que j'ajoute / supprime bah ca marche pas Neutral

Donc si vous pouviez faire une citation du tuto anglais Wink merci


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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Barry_Houston Dim 10 Jan - 11:40

Carl_Kennedy [C-Killah'] a écrit:
Tummy a écrit:
Tutorial: How to attach objects to peds in 3ds Max

This tutorial will show you how to attach an object to a pedestrian using 3dx Max 8, in this case I’ve chosen to attach a bandana to a ped.

Note: There are probably hundreds of different ways to do this on, this is my way.

Tools you need before you start:
- 3ds Max with Kam’s Scripts
- IMG Tool
- TXD Workshop

First off, you need to have your ped’s .dff and .txd, and your object’s .dff and .txd ready. In this case my ped is bmycr (, my object being bandmask from player.img.

Note: Always remember to take backups, one mistake may ruin it all.

If you’re unsure about what your ped is called, look it up here:

The following steps will show you how to export a model/ped from gta3.img and player.img using IMG Tool, if you already have your ped’s .dff and .txd, proceed to step 5.

1. Open IMG Tool and press CTRL + L

2. Choose GTA3.img from the browser and click open, this is where all the peds are (and other models of course), the bandana object I’ve used in this tutorial lays in player.img

3. Hit F2 and type in the name of the ped you want to export, press enter

4. When you’ve found the desired ped, press CTRL + E and extract it to somewhere you know of, remember to extract both the .dff and the .txd

5. Press CTRL + L and choose player.img, here you will find objects that CJ can wear

6. Export any object you like, e.g. a hat, I chose bandmask.dff

7. Find the object’s .txd and extract it (CTRL + E), I chose bandblue.txd

If you’ve kept them organized, it should now look like this:

In the next steps we’ll be starting to use 3ds Max, but before that, you have to make sure that you’ve installed Kam’s Scripts, it’s vital if you wish to continue. Kam’s Scripts can be found here:

After you’ve installed Kam’s Scripts, fire up 3ds max and wait for everything to load up. Make sure Kam’s Scripts are activated, how to check this is shown here:

If you cannot see Kam’s Scripts under Utilities, go to “MAXScript” from the top and select Run Script, shown here:

Enter the startup folder and open GTAScript_Controller from there:

When everything above is set, start following the next steps:

Importing the object

1. Click on the Utilities button, it’s shown as a hammer on the right-hand side, under Kam’s GTA Scripts you will see “DFF IO”, click on it, it will open a new window on the left side. Expand the import section by clicking on the +, now select Import DFF. At first we will import the object we want to attach. Locate it and import it.

2. Ops!
Likely, it will prompt you like this and tell you that it has 3 clumps, click Ok and select “Import”, the import button that is above Import DFF.

You should now have successfully imported the object, if you can’t see it, click in a route and scroll up, it will zoom into it.

Tip: You can move around in a route by holding down your Mouse 3 button (scroll) and dragging.
As you probably can see, the object came together with a boneset, what we’re going to do now, is to delete it. You do this by pressing CTRL + A to mark everything, then holding CTRL down while clicking on the object (deselecting it). Press delete and the boneset should go away.
You should now have something like this:

Texturing the object

3. We’re now going to add a texture to the object, before we start doing that you might want to save your scene (CTRL + S). You can minimize 3ds Max for a little while.

Fire up TXD Workshop, I assume you have this already.

A) Click on Open TXD, locate your object’s texture and open it, in my case the texture file is called bandblue.txd, after you’ve done that, it should look something like this:

B) Click on export and export the picture in any format you like, I chose to export as .png

Note: If you choose to export as BMP, it might be giving you errors later while importing.

C) Delete the object’s .txd, you won’t be needing it anymore in this tutorial

D) Close the program and move back to 3ds Max

If everything is done right, you should have something like this:

4. In 3ds Max, select the Select and Move tool with the Rectangular Selection (a. being the select and move tool, b. being the rectangular selection, this will allow you to mark “stuff” by drawing a square, there are also other methods of marking/selecting for the Select and Move tool, you can find these by holding down your left mouse button on the button shown in the picture.)
Now draw a square around your object to mark it.

5. Press M and a new window should pop up:
Click on the small button next to Diffuse Map (in my case the button is called “M”, it’s probably not an M there in your case, if there is, you can right click and select cut), another window should pop up:

In this window select Bitmap, double click on it, it will open a browser:

Find the image file you exported in step 3 and open it, you should now have something like this:

Click on the Assign Material to Selection button and then select Show Map in Viewport:

Close the window and look inside the down-right route, it should now be textured:

6. Click on the Modify button on the right-hand side and select Vertex under Editable Mesh, now click on the arrow next to where it says Modifier List, select UVW-Map from the drop down border: - >

7. Select Gizmo under UVW Mapping so you can see the options beneath, you may mess around with these options as you like, but be careful. This is what I did:
Deselect your object by clicking on the Create button, then clicking somewhere in one of the routes:

Importing the ped and fitting the object

8. Back to the left side window, tick the A box, this will auto-skin the character on import, now click on Import DFF: -

Find the ped you want to import and click on open, the newly imported ped will show up in the four different routes:

It’s likely that you’ll have to rotate the object in place, so it will fit onto the ped, this is how you can do this:

A) Click on the object so you have it selected, select Vertex after clicking on the Modify button:

B) We’ll now rotate the object to fit the ped, select the Select and Rotate tool and draw a box around the object to select all the vertices (the vertices are the blue dots that you can see), then rotate by holding down your left mouse button on the utmost circle and dragging (you can also use the other circles for that matter, but this is how I do it)
Repeat the same procedure in the other routes.

C) As you can see, the object is not in place yet, we have to use the Select and Move tool to move it up, click on it. If the vertices are not marked (red means they’re marked), mark them again:


As you can see, the object is inside the ped’s face, to fix this you will have to move vertices alone, this can be tricky in the beginning, but you will manage it eventually. Just remember to save your project regularly and do backups before you perform difficult moves.

Tip: You can also use the Select and Uniform Scale tool to change the size of the object:

When you’ve placed the object correctly, and when you’re satisfied with it, proceed to step 9.

Attaching the object to the ped

9. You’re now going to attach the object to the ped, be careful, you’re attaching an object to a ped, not attaching a ped to an object. It’s VERY important that you don’t attach your ped to your object, save your scene before you follow these steps.

A) Deselect your object by clicking on the Create button and clicking in a route:

B) Select the ped by clicking on it, go to the Modify section by clicking on the Modify button. Choose vertex, a little longer down you’ll see an Attach button, after clicking on it, click on your object. It will prompt you, press Ok:

Your object is attached to the ped, now we’ll have to check if the object’s vertices were correctly assigned to the head bone, click on the + next to where it says Skin to expand, select Envelope. Make sure the Vertices box is ticked and select Head from the bone section. The vertices assigned to the head bone will be colored in the routes:

C) In my case, they were not correctly assigned. We’ll have to assign them manually. This can be very tricky, you’ll have to be careful while doing this, unless you want your ped to move retarded in the game. Select the Select and Move tool, two tips before you start: If you have marked off one area, and want to mark another, but have already released your mouse button, you can hold CTRL to mark more without deselecting what’s already marked. If you want to deselect vertices, you can hold alt and mark what you want to deselect.

Okay, so, you have selected the Select and Move tool, you now need to “separate” the object’s vertices from the ped’s vertices by your eyes. The vertices that are NOT assigned to the head bone, are the blue ones, you need to find all the object’s blue vertices and assign them to the head bone. You do this by marking the vertices and clicking the up arrow of Abs. Effect within the Weight Properties, until it says “1,0”. When it says, click on “Paint Weights”:
My outcome:

Exporting the ped

10. If you got this far, it’s time to export, you do this by expanding the export section in the window on the left side. Scroll a bit down and you’ll see Bones/Skin Export, click it and save it where you want it. Press CTRL + S for a final scene save, then exit 3ds Max.

11. Start TXD Workshop and select Open TXD, open your ped’s .txd. Since I’m having some trouble with the mask, I choose to duplicate the texture that’s already in there, and then importing the object’s image file over it. You can do this by clicking on the ped’s texture, and then pressing CTRL + Insert. Now select the duplicated version of the ped’s texture and click on Import. Import the image you used to texture in 3ds Max. Make sure it has the same name inside the .txd, you can change this by clicking on properties. In my case it should be named bandblue.

Import the new files into gta3.img with help of IMG Tool, don’t forget to rebuild the archive! (You don’t need to rebuild if you use Spark)

12. Test it in-game

Tutorial written by me

Edit: Made a video "guide":

Good luck : )

Messages : 7035
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2009
Ancien Prenom_Nom : Barry_Wesker - Kery_Houst

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Invité Dim 10 Jan - 13:32

Merci Wink


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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Nick_Marlow Dim 10 Jan - 14:22

Heu, qui pourrait le traduire ? Laughing ^^'.

Messages : 717
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2009
Age : 27

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Barry_Houston Dim 10 Jan - 14:30

Les images suffisent , moi j'ai fait avec les images et franchement c'est pas difficile

Apres ta besoin de quelque mots tu va sur reverso et voila quoi

Messages : 7035
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2009
Ancien Prenom_Nom : Barry_Wesker - Kery_Houst

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Kalvin Daz Dim 10 Jan - 14:51

Je vais certainement faire une vidéo prochainement
Kalvin Daz
Kalvin Daz

Messages : 159
Date d'inscription : 09/10/2009
Age : 29

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Invité Lun 11 Jan - 8:39

J'essaye une animation Shotgun à une main là Very Happy


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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Kalvin Daz Lun 11 Jan - 9:37

J'propose que tous ceux qui s'y connaissent en 3dsMax (Moi, Néko, Luigi, Koby ...)
On fasse un pack de skin pour CMLV
Kalvin Daz
Kalvin Daz

Messages : 159
Date d'inscription : 09/10/2009
Age : 29

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Tyler Lanfield Lun 11 Jan - 13:43

tout a fait d'accord faite un pack svp des meilleurs skins svp Very Happy
Tyler Lanfield
Tyler Lanfield

Messages : 4380
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2009
Age : 30
Ancien Prenom_Nom : Lil B

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Invité Lun 11 Jan - 16:57

Oui, aussi avec des publicités comme IG etc (AmmuVuitton etc..)
En tout cas je suis pour, là je suis en train de modifier l'animation shotgun et de créer un animation pour que quand on court en etat baisser, bah il court en plus stylé quoi, je sais pas si vous voyez ce que je veut dire, un peu comme james bond là, les deplacement rapide Rolling Eyes


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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Tyler Lanfield Lun 11 Jan - 17:03

Luigi Corleone a écrit:Oui, aussi avec des publicités comme IG etc (AmmuVuitton etc..)
En tout cas je suis pour, là je suis en train de modifier l'animation shotgun et de créer un animation pour que quand on court en etat baisser, bah il court en plus stylé quoi, je sais pas si vous voyez ce que je veut dire, un peu comme james bond là, les deplacement rapide Rolling Eyes

si je voit tout a fait ce que tu veut dire oui sa ferait stylé a mort Very Happy
Tyler Lanfield
Tyler Lanfield

Messages : 4380
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2009
Age : 30
Ancien Prenom_Nom : Lil B

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Kalvin Daz Lun 11 Jan - 17:21

Putain j'suis en SP3 3ds Max veux pas marcher --
Kalvin Daz
Kalvin Daz

Messages : 159
Date d'inscription : 09/10/2009
Age : 29

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Invité Lun 11 Jan - 21:44

J'ai un probléme, je voit le skin tout bien dans PedEditor mais quand je vais ig et que je prend ce screen, bah ecran freeze..(timeout quoi..) je pense que ca viens du fait que moi dans Peau (Skin) > Envelope bah j'ai pas de liste qui s'affiche donc je peut pas faire Poid Peinture Rolling Eyes

J'ai trés bien réussi pour modifier des animations comme le /levermains etc mais là Suspect

Si vous saviez pourquoi moi j'ai rien dans la liste, merci Razz


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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Invité Lun 11 Jan - 21:54

MDRRRRRRR Ca c'est resolu mais alors la ptdrrr ! le skin touche meme pas le sol il est tout chelou il vole comme un fantome regardez

Le Tuto 3DSMAX Sa-mp-57

et la couleur de la casquette je sais pas d'ou il la sort XD

J'ai fait " Add " j'ai tout selectionné et j'ai pris head et aprés export ..
mais bon si c'est pour un resultat comme ca Surprised

EDIT >>> Ha, non c'est bon j'ai reussi mais la couleur de la casquette reste encore bizarre par rapport a ce que je lui ai mis sur txdworkshop


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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par \Leave/ Mer 13 Jan - 14:22

ptdr ^^

bon j'ai 3ds max mais serieusement... c'est si compliquer que sa ? car meme avec blender c'est hard --' alors avec 3dsmax ><


Messages : 241
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2009

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Invité Mer 13 Jan - 20:45

Ca me soule là... Sad

La texture marche trés bien comme je l'ai mise dans PEDEDITOR, je la voit bien.
Mais InGame .. Bah non Suspect Faut toujours qu'il y ai un truc qui marche pas ca me gave Crying or Very sad


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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par \Leave/ Jeu 15 Avr - 16:04

quelqun pourais faire une traduction ? Very Happy
j'aimerais trop me faire un skin pour femme stylé xp


Messages : 241
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2009

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Jhonny "Marzio" Ciorba Jeu 29 Avr - 15:35

Quelqu'un pour traduction ou même tuto Razz Chui naz en trucs comme sa ...
Jhonny "Marzio" Ciorba

Messages : 775
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2009
Age : 28

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Jhonny "Marzio" Ciorba Jeu 29 Avr - 17:09

J'ai pas compris après que j'ai téléchargé Kam's script je dois faire quoi avec ??? confused RESOLU
Edit : Quand il selectione tout le corp ensuite il le supprime je sais pas comment on le fait svp résolu

Dernière édition par Jhonny "Cezo" Ciorba le Ven 30 Avr - 13:41, édité 1 fois
Jhonny "Marzio" Ciorba

Messages : 775
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2009
Age : 28

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Jhonny "Marzio" Ciorba Jeu 29 Avr - 18:03

Mias putin je galère j'ai pas la même version c'est pas les memes choses ...
Jhonny "Marzio" Ciorba

Messages : 775
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2009
Age : 28

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Jhonny "Marzio" Ciorba Mar 18 Mai - 13:41

Clique ici , vite , vite !
Voila enfin un tuto FR pour modifier ces skins mais je l'ai pas encore lu je crois que c'est pas 3ds Max mais un autre logiciel qu'importe ? :p Gros merci a Calvin Fuller
Jhonny "Marzio" Ciorba

Messages : 775
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2009
Age : 28

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Anthony_Dinnozor Mer 26 Mai - 13:13

Barry_Wesker a écrit:
Carl_Kennedy [C-Killah'] a écrit:
Tummy a écrit:

B) Select the ped by clicking on it, go to the Modify section by clicking on the Modify button. Choose vertex, a little longer down you’ll see an Attach button, after clicking on it, click on your object. It will prompt you, press Ok:

Your object is attached to the ped, now we’ll have to check if the object’s vertices were correctly assigned to the head bone, click on the + next to where it says Skin to expand, select Envelope. Make sure the Vertices box is ticked and select Head from the bone section. The vertices assigned to the head bone will be colored in the routes:

C) In my case, they were not correctly assigned. We’ll have to assign them manually. This can be very tricky, you’ll have to be careful while doing this, unless you want your ped to move retarded in the game. Select the Select and Move tool, two tips before you start: If you have marked off one area, and want to mark another, but have already released your mouse button, you can hold CTRL to mark more without deselecting what’s already marked. If you want to deselect vertices, you can hold alt and mark what you want to deselect.

Okay, so, you have selected the Select and Move tool, you now need to “separate” the object’s vertices from the ped’s vertices by your eyes. The vertices that are NOT assigned to the head bone, are the blue ones, you need to find all the object’s blue vertices and assign them to the head bone. You do this by marking the vertices and clicking the up arrow of Abs. Effect within the Weight Properties, until it says “1,0”. When it says, click on “Paint Weights”:
My outcome:

Jusque la je comprends, mais la j'avoue que je galere un peu.. Si quelqu'un pouvait m'expliquer clairement (voire rapidement hein ^^), ce qu'il faut faire.. merci d'avance !

Messages : 1947
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2009

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Malcolm Anderson Mer 26 Mai - 16:26

Ta msn anthony plz
Malcolm Anderson
Malcolm Anderson

Messages : 535
Date d'inscription : 02/04/2010

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Anthony_Dinnozor Mer 26 Mai - 17:39

J'y vais quasiment jamais donc préviens moi quand tu veux me parler lol

Messages : 1947
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2009

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

Message par Malcolm Anderson Mer 26 Mai - 17:41

La si tu peux
Malcolm Anderson
Malcolm Anderson

Messages : 535
Date d'inscription : 02/04/2010

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Le Tuto 3DSMAX Empty Re: Le Tuto 3DSMAX

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Contenu sponsorisé

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